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The Deacons are a corporate membership appointed committee given charge of the spiritual care of the congregation. Their authority is limited to that which is granted them by the corporate membership. They have no financial or governmental control within the fellowship. They should only concern themselves with the spiritual needs of the fellowship.


The Deacons shall devote their time to prayer, the ministry of the Word (by teaching and encouraging sound doctrine), and shepherding God's Flock. The Deacons shall take particular responsibility to examine and instruct prospective Members, equip the Membership for the work of the ministry, encourage sound doctrine and practice, admonish and correct error, coordinate and promote the ministries of the church, and mobilize the church for world missions. The Deacons are further to ensure that all who minister the Word to the congregation, including outside speakers, share our fundamental convictions. They shall work closely with the Board of Directors to ensure a healthy spiritual atmosphere within the fellowship.

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